NEC PC-LS150SSB Liquid Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method 8 Strokes
NEC PC-LS150SSB LCD Cracking Screen Replacement Repair Method, Decomposition Procedure
NEC PC-LS150SSB LCD screen cracking, IF THERE is a display failure in the LIQUID CRYSTAL, lcd panel replacement (LCD replacement) is required!
[NEC PC-LS150SSB Liquid Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method STEP 1]
You can see the bad display on the right side of the screen.
In this repair, we will replace the LCD panel, so you can use your laptop in the same environment after replacing the LCD.
[NEC PC-LS150SSB Liquid Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method STEP 2]
First, turn the laptop inside out and remove the battery from the main unit.
The battery can be removed by sliding it.
[NEC PC-LS150SSB LIQUID Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method STEP 3]
To remove the LCD panel, it is necessary to remove the LCD frame.
Since the liquid crystal frame is fixed with screws, we will first disassemble from there.
Because the screw is hidden by a seal called a screw concealation, the screw hidden of the image part is peeled off using tweezers etc.
[NEC PC-LS150SSB Liquid Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method STEP 4]
If you peel off the screw hidden, the screw will come into view, so you will use the Phillips screwdriver.
[NEC PC-LS150SSB LIQUID Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method STEP 5]
When all screws are removed, remove the liquid crystal frame using a tool such as a spatula.
[NEC PC-LS150SSB Liquid Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method STEP 6]
After removing the LCD frame, it enters the removal of the liquid crystal panel, but the LCD panel is secured with screws.
Remove all screws that secure the LCD panel using a Phillips screwdriver.
If the screw can be removed, the LCD panel can be moved, so it slowly knocks it down to the keyboard surface.
[NEC PC-LS150SSB Liquid Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method STEP 7]
If you turn down the LCD panel, you can see that the LCD cable is connected to the back of the LCD panel.
The LCD cable can be removed by sliding it.
Recently, lcd panels have 40 pins, but PC-LS150SSB is 30 pins.
I think that i was able to remove the liquid crystal panel if it is possible to disassemble up to this point, and the liquid crystal repair is completed if the liquid crystal panel is replaced newly prepared.
[NEC PC-LS150SSB LIQUID Crystal Repair and Decomposition Method STEP 8]
It was able to display normally.
Since the data remains without any problems, you can use the laptop without changing the environment until now.